Humans are not patient animals. At least, not like Labs.
From the room over, Benny hears an unmistakable ripping sound. He trots over quickly and assumes his pose, sitting with good posture and head cocked. Above him, Dad has started slicing the banana he ripped open.
“Banana time! Yes, Benny, you’ll get some,” Dad says. Benny adjusts his expression, laying on the puppy factor, and watches the knife slice through the banana over and over again. In banana slice acquisition, there are three major principles: presence, eye contact, and being cuteness. Scooting extra close to Dad, Benny looked him right in the eye, being as cute as he possibly could. Finally, Dad flicks a slice his way, the fruit of his efforts. Benny snaps his jaw expertly, narrowly missing the banana (it was a tricky throw), and recovers quickly by licking it off of the floor.
If you’re looking for your banana slice, don’t worry: Persevere. It’s just around the corner. We’re sure of it, and so is Benny.