Party and Events Entertainers, Face Painters, Caricatures More! - About Faces Entertainment

Event Entertainers Caricature Artists, Face Painters and More!

About Faces’ entertainers provide the extra touch to make your event special – we add pizzazz and keep your guests laughing! We have caricature artists, magicians, clowns, fortune tellers, face painters, balloon twisters, jugglers, stilt walkers, mimes, . . .you name it! If you want something unique and fun for your party, we can help you! Contact us now! Make your event a huge success!

Party & Event Entertainers

Our entertainers provide the extra touch and keep your guests laughing! Caricature artists, face painters, magicians, balloon artists. You name it, we guarantee unique fun for your party!

Contact Us And Make Your Party a Huge Success!

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About Faces Entertainment

5 days 20 hours ago

Sipping our cocoa while the holiday party photos continue to trickle in... ☕🌨⛄ It's so cool to see all of the unique styles that each artist brings to their events.

This work is from artist Rolando D - check out his profile here:

About Faces Entertainment

1 week 20 hours ago

Drawn by artist Alexander U at a recent wedding in Shelby Township, MI.

Check out more of his work and request to book this artist on his profile here!

Holiday Parties

Our incredible caricature artists, face painters and other entertainers mean a show stopping holiday party for your guests! We create holiday memories that last!

Corporate Events

Transform your Corporate event or party into an unforgettable experience for your guests or employees. Our caricature artists, face painters and more are professional entertainers that create incredible events!

Live Entertainment

Choose from the many performers we have near you, or let us pick the best caricature artist, face painter, magician, etc, for parties, festivals, school events, or more!