Sharon D - North Carolina Face Painters
Sharon D is one of our Face Painters in Raleigh:

Sharon is an elementary art teacher, makeup artist, and artist with over 12 years of creative experience. While teaching children, she naturally adopted the role of a face painter for all school events and festivals. The stroke of the brush, a touch of glitter, and the glowing smiles of her young models had Sharon hooked on face painting. It was in 2016, after owning a studio and hosting parties that highlighted face painting, that clients began to ask Sharon to come and face paint for private events, and her professional journey began. Sharon continues to train to provide an awesome face painting experience for her living canvas!
Click the tabs below for Sharon D's additional information!
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Painting Speeds
Simple Designs: 15 faces per hour
Full Face Designs: 10 faces per hour
- $140/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.
*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.