Sana K - New Jersey Henna Tattoo Artists

Sana K is one of our Henna Tattoo Artists in Jersey City:

Sana K is a New Jersey-based henna artist that has over 10 years of experience in henna design. She began her henna practice as a hobby in her hometown in India, and took it up as a part-time job after moving to United States.

Since then, Sana has mastered henna art by decorating her female friends and family. Her freehand drawing ability has now enabled her to decorate with speed and finesse. Sana specializes in traditional Indian henna, as well as Arabic, glitter, and Natural henna tattoos.

Sana has embellished many brides but has also decorated women of all ages for all occasions - from sweet sixteens to graduation parties.

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Tattoo Speeds

25-30 henna tattoo designs per hour depending on the complexity of requests


  • $160/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.