Sam R - Georgia Digital Caricature Artists

Sam R is one of our Digital Caricature Artists in Hoschton:

Sam was the kid who sat in the back of the class drawing superheroes and Star Wars characters. He originally wanted to draw comic books; then, as he got older and realized the boys liked the pictures but the girls liked to laugh, he started drawing comic strips. He drew comics for his high school newspaper and would often include caricatures of teachers. Sam studied some graphic design, but always continued to draw his cartoons. His creative side brought him small jobs, ranging from logo design to chalkboard art. Sam has even drawn cartoons for the Gwinnett Citizen Newspaper!

It was a dear friend, and caricature artist, that got Sam hooked on drawing caricatures. Sam jumped feet first into caricatures. Sam’s passion is drawing digitally; he has always been a nerd who enjoys tech-y gadgets. He draws almost exclusively on an iPad Pro and has the image projected on a TV. With the TV Display, Sam finds that he is able to entertain more folks than just the few huddled around his easel. When other artists ask Sam why he prefers to carry around and set up the digital equipment, he often responds with a question of his own; “Why make only a few people smile when you have the potential to own the room and have smiles fill the venue?”.

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Drawing Speeds (drawing speeds are an indication of what the artist is capable of and are not guaranteed)

Digital Caricatures:
  • B&W Digital Caricatures: 8-12 people per hour
  • Color Digital Caricatures: 6-9 people per hour

Requirements and Equipment:

  • Output Options: 4x6 photo paper using an Epson XP 630 photo printer
  • Provided Equipment: iPad Pro, 4 Apple Pencils, 32” TV and stand,
  • Backup Equipment: Backup iPad Pro, Cintiq Companion
  • Requirements: Electricity, access to the site an hour prior to the event to set up, and 2-3 chairs


  • Digital Caricature Rate: $270/hour, with a 3 hour minimum. *

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.