Rob D - New York Digital Caricature Artists

Rob D is one of our Digital Caricature Artists in Buffalo:

Rob has been drawing caricatures for over a decade getting his start drawing in theme parks across the country. In addition to this, Rob also has a degree in graphic design and does a lot of freelance computer art. So naturally it was just a matter of time until the two disciplines would overlap. More recently the technology has made it easier to do this in a live format with comparable speed to the traditional format. Rob started doing digital caricatures with a Wacom tablet and has more recently ventured into Ipad caricatures as well.

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Drawing Speeds (drawing speeds are an indication of what the artist is capable of and are not guaranteed)

Digital Caricatures:
  • B&W Digital Caricatures: 15-20 people per hour
  • Color Digital Caricatures: 8-10 people per hour

Requirements and Equipment:

  • Output Options: He will provide 4"x6" prints which will be displayed on a 32" monitor. Pictures can also be emailed to subjects after the event.
  • Provided Equipment: iPad, 4"x6" photo printer, 32" monitor to display drawings.
  • Backup Equipment: Traditional Media will be on hand.
  • Requirements: Wi-Fi for printing purposes. Electricity for Monitor and Printer.


  • Digital Caricature Rate: $270/hour, with a 3 hour minimum. *

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.

Rob D is also available as one of our: