Rachel H - South Carolina Mimes

Rachel H is one of our Mimes in East Gaffney SC:

Rachel studied physical theatre in London and was drafted by an Italian into doing a film featuring the age old battle of mime vs clown. Unwilling to let the invisible wall stop her, she began wearing white face and performing as a walkabout mime in London, and now in the Washington DC area.

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Strolling: Rachel delights as a strolling mime, gently interacting with and delighting the crowd.


Strolling: $185/hr with a two hour minimum.*

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.
**Special rates may apply for the more elaborate costumes and the fee does vary per costume.

Rachel H is also available as one of our:

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(i.e. Staff Appreciation Party, Grand Opening, etc.)
(i.e. 2 Caricature Artists and 3 Face Painters)
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Note: There is a 2-hour minimum for booking entertainers, except for shows
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