Nicole G - Pennsylvania Face Painters
Nicole G is one of our Face Painters in Brownsville PA:

Nicole is buzzing with fun and color for your next event. Our artist Nicole is a professionally trained makeup artist with over 20 years of experience. She is also a self-trained artist who loves working with children and transforming them in the most creative ways, bringing out their amazing imaginations. Nicole started her career as a face painter while working as a lead makeup artist for a large department store. She spent the entire 1st year learning on herself and her family. She took her first gig in 2015 and has continued to build from there... Learning new designs and techniques yearly at conventions and online... Continuing her education to always bring the best, most popular, and most relevant designs to your event! We pride ourselves on our amazing customer service and ability to bring the best to your event!
Click the tabs below for Nicole G's additional information!
- Entertainer Quick Stats
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- Locations Served
Painting Speeds
Simple Designs: 20-25 faces per hour
Full Face Designs: 15 faces per hour
- $160/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.
*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.