Ingrid R - California Face Painters

Ingrid R is one of our Face Painters in San Francisco:

<p>Ingrid was born in England and moved to France as a teenager. She has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1989 and has been face painting for approximately 11 years. Ingrid and her husband teamed up to provide professional entertainment. In addition to face painting, Ingrid offers temporary tattoos, including metallic jewelry tattoos. Ingrid gained her experience by participating at many face painting jams, attending numerous workshops, including classes offered by renowned artists, Marc Reid and Nick & Brian Wolfe. She also attended the Face and Body Art Convention FABAIC.<p/>


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Painting Speeds

Simple Designs: 15-18 faces per hour

Full Face Designs: 9-12 faces per hour


  • $185/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.