Gloria H - South Carolina Balloon Sculptors

Gloria H is one of our Balloon Sculptors in Columbia:

Gloria started balloon sculpting when she was 19. She received her first balloon sculpting kit when she was a Teen Youth Leader at her church. The teens were having a yard sale in the church parking lot and someone gave her a kit and wanted her to make balloon dogs - the instructions were in the kit. Every balloon dog she made sold. It was fun.

Several years later, she had to come up with a fundraising idea for a trip her youngest daughter was going to take. She decided to give balloon twisting another try. She bought a small kit from a local store and her 3 kids were amazed and wanted one. She then took her balloon twisting to her local swap meet that weekend. It was a success. She began getting requests for parties and events. She makes simple balloon creations with one and two balloons, such as: dog, sword, swan, heart, flowers, teddy bear, frog, rabbit, fish, turtle, butterfly, car and more.

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  • $160/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.