Eric W - New York Caricature Artists
Eric W is one of our Caricature Artists in Ellenville:

Eric is a self-taught caricature artist and illustrator from upstate New York. As a child, Eric would create his own comic books and donate them to the school library so other kids could read and enjoy the illustrations. Eric always enjoyed drawing portraits of different people and creating content around the drawings. Eric did not go to any special art schools to learn this skill! As a teenager, Eric and his family were invited to the set of Sesame Street to meet the cast and muppets as a result of winning a cartoon drawing contest.
Eric got into caricature by practicing how to draw funny faces; one of his many mentors is a famous caricature artist for MADD Magazine. Eric has been drawing caricatures for about 30 years, and enjoys making people laugh where ever he performs. He has a DJ service and enjoys speed drawing his audience! The average song is about 2 to 3 minutes long. Eric will sketch your caricature while music is playing and when the song ends, your caricature will be complete. Eric works with various brush markers, pastels, prismacolor pencils, graphite and fiber castell pencils for best results. Eric's drawings capture your likeness and is exaggerated just a bit for great laughs!
Click the tabs below for Eric W's additional information!
- Entertainer Quick Stats
- Book Entertainer
- Locations Served
Drawing Speeds (drawing speeds are an indication of what the artist is capable of and are not guaranteed)
Traditional Caricatures:- B&W Heads Only: 10-15 people per hour
- B&W Body / Gag: 10-12 people per hour
- Color Heads Only: 10-12 people per hour
- Color Body / Gag: 10-12 people per hour
- $160/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.
*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.