Cyndi M - North Carolina Face Painters
Cyndi M is one of our Face Painters in Raleigh:
Cyndi loves to paint! If it doesn’t move fast enough she will probably put paint on it. She thinks face painting is the best job on earth.
She has been face painting for about 5 years now. She started because she wanted to be the cool mom. She has always been an artist so moving into face painting came very naturally. That, and she gets along with children very well. She says that sometimes she gets along better with children than with adults and that some call her a child whisperer, which makes her a great entertainer for children!
Click the tabs below for Cyndi M's additional information!
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Painting Speeds
Simple Designs: 15-20 faces per hour
Full Face Designs: 12-15 faces per hour
- $140/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.
*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.