Bil B - Ohio Caricature Artists
Bil B is one of our Caricature Artists in Toledo:

Bil has been creating art professionally for over 20 years and drawing even longer than that. He began drawing at age two, one morning at breakfast he drew a cow that he saw on the milk carton. Ever since that moment he has worked on his craft to make it what it is today. At age 15 he sold his first caricature, it was a piece he did of The Three Stooges and he sold it for $30. He knew he had to do this as his career. In his late teens and throughout his 20s he took up the art of portraiture. However, it was always cartooning and caricature that have always been his favorite. He loves the way he can take someone and exaggerate their features to see how far he can stretch them.
Many influences also led him to the love of cartooning and caricature. He grew up reading MAD Magazine. The art of Sam Viviano, Mort Drucker and Jack Davis were always a favorites of his. He was also drawn to the early Hollywood caricatures done by T. Hee for the Warner Brothers and Disney cartoons in the 30’s and 40’s. Ed Benedict also was someone he drew inspiration from. The characters from the Flintstones and others that he designed for Hanna-Barbera in the 50’s and 60’s were some of my all time favorite designs.
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Drawing Speeds (drawing speeds are an indication of what the artist is capable of and are not guaranteed)
Traditional Caricatures:- B&W Heads Only: 10 people per hour
- B&W Body / Gag: 6 people per hour
- Color Heads Only: 6 people per hour
- Color Body / Gag: 5 people per hour
- $160/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.
*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.