Amy P - Kentucky Face Painters
Amy P is one of our Face Painters in Louisville:

Amy is a Louisville native who has always had a passion for all things artistic. She attended the University of Louisville on a full art scholarship, and has worked as a freelance artist and designer since 2001. She has done  oils and acrylics for individual clients, as well as for local salons, and real estate offices. Amy attends church at St. Matthews Baptist and when they asked her to face paint for an Easter event, she discovered a whole new medium for sharing her art, and thought,  "This is the first time my artwork has ever smiled back at me! It's amazing!"  As with all of her artistic endeavors, Amy strives to maintain both professionalism and a high quality of work.
The face paints she uses are all professional grade FDA approved water based paints. The products are manufactured by Mehron Paradise Paints, TAG Paints, and Mama Clown Glitter. The designs are all beautiful and vibrant, but are easily removed with tear-free soap and water.
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Painting Speeds
Simple Designs: 16-20 faces per hour
Full Face Designs: 10-12 faces per hour
- $160/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.
*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.