Caricatures of Mike Hasson - About Faces Entertainment

Caricatures of Mike Hasson

I started drawing caricatures in 1988 and along the way traded pictures with a lot of artists.  This page is a tribute to my ridiculous vanity.  Here are some of the pictures my friends (youโ€™d think some were my enemies!) have drawn of me.  Click on any picture to enlarge, and click on the artists name to see their page.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z โ€”Unnamed
A Anchor


B Anchor
Caricature of me by Garrett B 2001
Caricature of me by Paddy B 2004
Caricature of me by Reggie Byers 1993
C Anchor
Caricature of me by Ric Castro 1992
D Anchor
E Anchor
F Anchor
G Anchor
caricature of Mike Hasson by Mac GarciaCaricature of me by Mac G 2010
H Anchor
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