Caricatures of Mike Hasson - About Faces Entertainment

Caricatures of Mike Hasson

I started drawing caricatures in 1988 and along the way traded pictures with a lot of artists.  This page is a tribute to my ridiculous vanity.  Here are some of the pictures my friends (you’d think some were my enemies!) have drawn of me.  Click on any picture to enlarge, and click on the artists name to see their page.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZUnnamed
A Anchor


B Anchor
Caricature of me by Garrett B 2001
Caricature of me by Paddy B 2004
Caricature of me by Reggie Byers 1993
C Anchor
Caricature of me by Ric Castro 1992
D Anchor
E Anchor
F Anchor
G Anchor
caricature of Mike Hasson by Mac GarciaCaricature of me by Mac G 2010
H Anchor
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