Here are some books on magic. This list is by no means comprehensive, but rather contains just a few good books to get you started. Feel free to email me the names of any others you think are noticeably lacking and I’ll include them as well.
- Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. by Martin Gardner
- Mark Wilson’s Complete Course in Magic, by Mark Wilson
- The Magic Show with Cards, by Mark Setteducati
- Modern Coin Magic, by J B Bobo
- Magic for Dummies, by David Pogue
- Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, by Jean Hugard
- Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Lessons in Sleight of Hand, by Bill Tarr
- The Royal Road to Card Magic, by Jean Hugard
- The Art of Magic :the Companion to the PBS Special, by Carl Waldman
- Sleight of Hand: A Practical Manual of Legerdemain for Amateurs and Others, by Edwin Sachs
- 101 Easy-To-Do Magic Tricks, by Bill Tarr
- Card Control: Practical Methods and Forty Original Card Experiments, by Arthur H. Buckley
- Expert Card Technique, by Jean Hugard
- Houdini! Â The career of Ehrich Weiss : American self-liberator, Europe’s eclipsing sensation,
- world’s handcuff king & prison breaker, by Kenneth Silverman
- The World’s Best Simple Bar Tricks, by Doug Lanksy
- Tricks with Your Head: Hilarious Magic Tricks and Stunts to Disgust and Delight, by Mac King
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Magic Tricks, by Tom Ogden
- Abbott’s Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks for Magicians, by Stewart James
- Abracadabra!: Secret Methods Magicians & Others Use to Deceive Their Audience, by Nathaniel Schiffman
- Pentamagic, by Pentagram