Edith S - Florida Airbrush Artists

Edith S is one of our Airbrush Artists in Westchester FL:

As an artist/entertainer in face painting, I wanted to expand my abilities and services for my business.  I became very intrigued by airbrush for several reasons.  The designs are endless as it is stencil based and I'm basically a stencil fanatic. I want to have something for everyone.  The paints are hybrid,  which means they are sweat/water resistant making the tattoos/designs much more durable, specially in our sunny Florida weather. It won't melt off and everyone of all ages enjoy it. The colors are vibrant and the crisp lines and blended effects can be impressive.  It's definitely a great form of entertainment for your special guests.

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  • $210/hour, with a 2 hour minimum.

*All pricing is in US Dollars and is subject to change if your specific requirements differ from the descriptions.

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Note: There is a 2-hour minimum for booking entertainers, except for shows
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